Get Involved

Keeping our farm running is truly a community effort, and we’re grateful for every helping hand. Here in Loxley, we rely on dedicated volunteers who pitch in with the physical work—grooming, feeding, and showering our horses with the tender loving care they deserve. Whether you’re cleaning stalls, mending fences, painting, or organizing our space, your effort makes a real difference.

Ways to help

Do you have special skills? We also welcome support for planning and executing local events, writing stories about our new rescues, capturing heartfelt photos, and helping secure sponsorships to keep our mission alive.

Hands-on experiences

Our volunteer program is all about bringing together people who share a deep love and respect for horses. Through hands-on experiences in areas like nutrition, grooming, handling, medical and dental care, round pen training, and even riding, you’ll learn how to connect with these beautiful creatures in a positive way. As you gain responsibility and knowledge, you’ll even have the chance to teach others and become a leader in our community.

Rain, Shine, Heat or Hurricanes

No matter the season—whether it’s a hot, muggy summer day or a chilly winter morning—the needs of our horses remain constant. When you commit to volunteering, we’re counting on you to help feed the horses, refill water buckets, clean the paddocks, and administer medications.